At YBC we met together each Sunday at 10:45am and 6:30pm.
We usually have a variety of mid-week groups and activities where people can meet to discuss, pray and explore their faith together.
An audio recording of each talk will be available shortly after each service and can be accessed via the ‘Resources’ section.
We look forward to having you with us on Sundays.
We have a live audio-only stream of our Sunday morning services over Zoom. Please contact the church office for details.
Sermon Recordings
We are an Evangelical Bible-believing baptist church. We are a member of the Evangelical Alliance and subscribe to its Basis of Faith.
We aim to worship in a lively but balanced and Biblical way, and you will find a mix of modern songs and well-loved traditional hymns.
Our pastor John Green brings God’s word to us each week through systematic Biblical exposition.
We meet each Sunday at 10:45am and 6:30pm to worship God together and to hear from His word, the Bible. All are welcome whether you are a Christian or not.
We share communion together twice a month and welcome all who know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour and are seeking to live in accordance with God’s Word to take communion with us, regardless of denominational background.
We also have regular all-age worship services led by a team from the church.
On the first Sunday of each month we have a ‘pack-up Sunday’ and encourage people to bring a picnic and eat lunch together in the back hall after the service.
What facilities are available?
A loop system is installed for hearing-aid users on the inner banks of pews. We now have a ramp allowing wheelchair access through the main entrance and inside the church there are spaces for wheelchair users to sit with family and friends.
Running alongside the morning service we have a staffed crèche, which allows parents to leave their children and return to the church for the rest of the service if they wish to do so. We also have supervised activities for young people up to the age of 14. Visitors are very welcome to join these or stay with their parents throughout the service.
"Above all our focus is on Christ. We seek to bring honour and glory to His name in all that we do and are."
Knowing Christ
YBC exists to help individuals develop and grow in their knowledge of Christ. We aim to do so through regular worship, Bible teaching, and prayer.
“That I may know him” - Philippians 3:10
Living Christ
YBC exists to encourage and support individuals to live out their Christian commitment in everyday life whether in the home, at work or at play.
“You are the light of the world” - Matthew 5:14
Sharing Christ
YBC exists to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with a needy and lost world. We aim to support and encourage evangelism both within and without the church, both at home and overseas.
“Go into all the world and preach the gospel” - Matthew 28:30
York Baptist Church
Priory Street
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Morning 10.45 – 12.00
Evening 6.30 – 8.00
01904 640124

Everything we do is expressed in the following ways:
Being equipped to use gifts in service – both in church and in the world.
Encountering God in church services, groups and in life.
Spreading the good news of Jesus, in York and around the world.
Using our relationships to be role models pointing towards Christ.
Learning how to follow Jesus better and making new disciples.